Bishop & Sewell

Stephen Bishop, Founder Partner and Consultant at Bishop & Sewell.

After 42 years, with the firm and as one of our founding partners, Stephen Bishop is now Consultant with our high-net-worth Central London Conveyancing Team. Stephen continues to support the property team and the firm generally, especially in the field of residential conveyancing.

Stephen Bishop founded the firm together with Jill Sewell in 1979 and is a well-known and respected practitioner, with unrivalled expertise in Central London property matters.

His practice also touches on commercial property and trusts, estates and tax issues. With over 40 years’ experience in the business, Stephen is the go-to advisor for a large number of high-net-worth individuals and their families.

A bit of history

Stephen was articled to a firm in the West End and then moved to the City, before founding Bishop & Sewell with Jill Sewell in 1979. Jill retired in 2004.

Stephen’s career, starting in the 1970s – has seen him specialise in residential property and related transactional work. It is with good reason that Stephen’s name, which we are proud to share, is such a recognised and trusted one with other solicitors and professionals practising in this area.


  • The Law Society

About Me

My social life revolves around the church and the sailing club, with cooking, entertaining and skiing also featuring.
