Bishop & Sewell

Resolution is a community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way. The membership of Resolution consists of a group of 6,500 family law professionals who support Resolution’s code of practice and are committed to promoting an approach to family issues that considers the needs of the whole family.

This week Resolution is leading a campaign called Good Divorce Week

Good Divorce Week takes place between 29 November – 3 December and this year’s theme is Parenting Through Separation. Certainly, one of the most topical themes for separating couples that I have heard this year relates to disagreements between parents over whether children should be vaccinated against Covid-19.

I’ve written about this specifically here, in Love, Life & the Law which is a blog I write regularly to help people who are separating from their partners. I’m a solicitor who specialises in all Family issues from financial and property matters to issues about children.

I’ve been helping people through the most emotional times of their lives for more than twenty years, and it’s a job I love doing.

Back to Resolution’s theme about Parenting Through Separation;- you may also find these articles I’ve written useful:

Maintenance payments for children at university or college

Parental alienation and disputes about children

Healing from a divorce

As Resolution members, our family lawyers are pleased to support this campaign and connect with like-mind professionals who are similarly committed. A guide published by Resolution will be available called Parenting Through Separation Guide, which is a free resource containing information, advice and support to help parents through separation, divorce and beyond.

We are able to support and help in a way which keeps your children’s needs at the centre of matters.

Our Family lawyers have the knowledge and experience to guide you through these challenging times and have rankings in the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners for their expertise.

If you need some advice and support –  during Good Divorce Week or at any time –  please get in touch via or call us direct on 020 7091 2869. We are here for you.

The above is accurate as at 2 December 2021. The information above may be subject to change during these ever-changing times.

Category: News, Blog | Date: 2nd Dec 2021

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