As reported elsewhere, ALEP (the Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners) has submitted its response to the government consultation on the planned introduction of a tribunal fee for Enfranchisment cases in the First Tier Tribunal (‘FTT’). A copy of the response can be seen below.
Mark Chick, an ALEP director and member of the Advisory Committee said:
“It will be interesting to see how government responds to this consultation. The evidence obtained by ALEP shows that the initial tribunal fee proposals (£2,000 for a hearing as a flat fee) do not properly take account of the nature of many enfranchisement applications which are protective in nature. Personally, I hope MOJ will pause long and hard before introducing a tribunal fee which would impose a ‘flat tax’ on all tribunal users and take no account of case value, or indeed the volume of cases that progress to a final hearing – which is much more likely on a Service Charge case, where the current (and proposed) fees are much more modest.”
For a link to the ALEP response click here.
To find out more about ALEP click here.
To discuss leasehold issues generally or to contact Mark Chick please email